The Echo Game revolves around April Reilly, who receives a letter from her former lover Rachel, who was believed to have died ten years earlier. The letter and its urgent warning spark a chain of events that sends Aprils life spiraling out of control. For the past ten years, April has raised Rachel’s biological daughter Sarah as her own. No one knows that Sarah is Rachel’s daughter not even Sarah. When April begins to investigate Rachel’s reappearance, a detective discovers the secret of Sarah and unwittingly brings the whole family to the attention of the relentless rogue scientist Anne Cassavettes and her two henchmen. Of course, it turns out that Sarah’s mysterious new psychic visions and telekinetic abilities are not just coincidence.
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The Echo Game (2009) DVDRip Drama , Horror , Thriller , West
Posted by global teens
Posted on 8:59 AM
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Written by : Rinda Marestiani - Blogger
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